
Getting Started

Beginner's Guide

Release Notes



Key Concepts

About Studio

Studio Project

Studio Titles

Studio Chapter

Studio Editor

Editing and Localization Resources

Comment & Suggestion


How to create an account

How to create a studio

How to customize a studio

How to delete a studio

How to collaborate without creating a studio

How to manage roles & permissions

How to add collaborators

How to create a project

How to create a title

How to upload chapters

How to input translation

How to typesetting

How to use text objects

How to use Graphic objects

How to use Style Presets

How to use Glossary

How to edit original files

How to manage versions

How to publish and schedule chapters

How to add comments & suggestion

How to view and manage comments & suggestions

How to delete a title

How to delete a chapter

Keyboard shortcuts

Studio Improvement Notes

Tutorial Improvement notes

Link Bubble Mask

To link bubble mask, follow these steps:

  1. In the Studio Editor, click on a text box.
  2. Select a highlighted bubble mask from the popover.

Text Layout

To edit text layout, follow these steps:

  1. In the Studio Editor, click on a text box.
  2. On the Editing Sidebar, select Typesetting.
  3. You will see options for text layout, such as Manual or Auto.
  4. Within each option, you can adjust the background, fit type, and other settings to customize the text layout.

Text Object


To adjust the position of a text object, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text object.
  2. Hover over the text box that you want to move.
  3. Click and drag the text box to adjust its position.


To adjust the size of a text object, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text object.
  2. Hover on the edge the text box that you want to resize.
  3. Click and drag the text box to adjust its size.


To adjust the rotation of a text object, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text object.
  2. Hover over the top anchor of the text box that you want to rotate.
  3. Click and drag the text box to adjust its rotation.

Adjust Text Style

Text style.png

To adjust text style of a text object, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text object.
  2. On the right sidebar, you can edit text properties such as font-family, text color, line height…

<aside> 💡 Style Presets

You can create text presets for commonly used text styles. This feature helps ensure consistency and improves the quality of your localization.

See how


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How to input translation

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How to use text objects

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